I'm Probhakar


love to build stuff

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I am currenty working as a Senior Software Engineer at Nagarro. Coding helps me to express things that I can imagine. I am very passionate about solving real-world problems with the help of programming

What I love to do


Electronic hobbyist

First circuit that I made was a water level meter using salt-waler, pencil graphite, batteries and an LED salvaged from a torchlight. The love for electronics continued then onwards. Every electronic hobbyist has to come across 555 timer, flipflop or LM714. I spent a lot of time making electronic gadgets like intruder detection with PIC sensor, simple ones like automatic street lamp using LDR sensors. I was also amazed to see the power of development boards like Arduino or Raspberry pi. Later I also did IoT projects with IBM Watson. What I find intriguing is that complex but real problems can be solved with these gadgets and the possibility is infinite. One of my projects can be found here.


Love to build software

I never thought of building software unless I met with Python. I am not a guy who will write some undecipherable software shown in movies and use it through the command line, but yes, sometimes extra GUI becomes overkill. I was introduced with Kivy, a cross-platform Python framework and I loved it. I can remember one of my First wow moments when I successfully built a group chat application using socketio and Kivy and a slight touch of MySQL for the database. I also developed one functional software to compare different map providers which can be found here. Apart from python I worked with Android studio and developed one Car-Key-Manager app, which can be used to book a car with inbuilt chat functionality. It was java until I came across Flutter. I am just loving this framework. Some projects I am working with this framework. Apart from that, I worked with HTML, CSS & Javascript to build a functional app build management website. Apart from software development I also worked with machine learning models to develop use cases for my organization.



Being a Bengalee is not complete if you don't know cooking. Well, I do not proclaim myself as one of the top chefs but I can cook some tasty cuisines. I can remember my childhood days in a native village in West Bengal, where we, friends used to play "ranna-bati" where we used to gather vegetables, rice from home and cook them in a clay pot. Wise people will say cooking is an art, well everything is an art, but the point is I really love cooking.


Writing and sketching

Also for a Bengalee, poetry is a must. I like to indulge myself in writing when I feel writing so. You can check out my small facebook page. You can also get a glimpse of some of my paintings here.

Some Projects at Glance

1 / 5
First App Relesed in Play Store
2 / 5
and People Liked It!
3 / 5
Contact Tracing App
4 / 5
App Manager dashboard
4 / 5
Python Kivy Based Map Comparison Software
4 / 5
BarCode based Car Key Manager

Want to know me more?


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